Explaining Apostasia

by Dr. Andy Woods

The following is Dr. Woods' earlier teaching on "Apostasia."

The same teaching - by Patrick Heron

When Does Israel Reach 80 Years?

Pastor JD's message yesterday really started something with me. I've been in discussion about this all last evening and all day today. Came to some startling (to me) conclusions:

Israel's 80 years:

Scripture says a generation is 70 years, or with strength it can be up to 80.
Jesus said the generation that sees the last-days events will not end until ALL has been fulfilled.

Israel is 72 years old.
If Israel is going to make it to 80 years:

First you have to subtract 7 years for the Tribulation
so subtracting 7 years from 80 comes out to age 73.
When will Israel turn 73?
May 14, 2021

Restating: for all to be fulfilled for Israel before she turns 80, her last 7 years would have to start by the time she turns 73.

That's May 14, 2021. Next spring.

We know that the Rapture has to take place BEFORE the last 7 years, the 7 years called The Tribulation.

That would eliminate a next-year Pentecost Rapture because next Pentecost takes place AFTER Israel turns 73 and begins her last 7 years.

The last Feast of Trumpets before Israel turns 73 is THIS Feast of Trumpets, September 18, 2020.

If the Rapture is going to happen on the last Feast of Trumpets before Israel begins her last 7 years, it would have to be on this one. September 18, 2020.