When You Realize You Were Left Behind

These are being posted before the Rapture takes place,
and I'm posting them for anyone who finds himself left behind.



   8 min

The basic message is that Jesus Christ has removed his believers from the earth before the wrath of God is poured out upon it. The time of God's wrath is seven years.

What you must know:

  • 1. The government will try to offer an explanation for our disappearance. It will be a lie. The world is going to come under a great delusion. Do not believe it. We were NOT taken by a UFO. We were taken by the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • The Word of God, the Bible, warns those left behind that you MUST NOT take the "Mark of the Beast." This is a mark or chip taken on or in your body, on your hand or forehead. This mark will change your DNA and make you beyond redemption. Do not under ANY circumstances, even death, do NOT take the mark or chip. 
  • If you refuse the Mark or chip, you will probably die. But do not fear it. If you have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ, you will find yourself immediately in heaven. Do NOT fear it.
  • If you have not surrendered your life to the Lord Jesus Christ, there is still time. Do that today. Confess to him that you acknowledge that you are a sinner, and that you're ready to surrender your life to him, and you will be saved.

The Prophet Daniel Foretells The Date Of The Crucifixion

The prophet Daniel lived in the 6th century BCE.
While in captivity in Babylon, he was given the famous "70-Week prophecy," which is of such precision that it boggles the mind when you realize what it’s saying. It actually names the actual day, the date, that the Messiah would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey, and be refused by national Israel.

The Book of Daniel, chapter 9, starting in verse 24
Daniel was told that 70 "shevuim" were determined upon his people and his holy city, Jerusalem. "Shevuim," translated "weeks," is a period of 7’s in the same sense that "a decade" to us would be a period of 10 years.

He was told that after 69 periods of 7, the Messiah would be "cut off," that he would be killed.

The prophecy says that the count starts at the issuing of the decree to rebuild Jerusalem. From that day, there would be 69 "shevuim," or 483 Biblical years "unto Messiah the Prince." Biblical years were 360-day years.

That command to rebuild Jerusalem was given many years later by King Artaxerxes Longimanus to Nehemiah, on March 14, 445 BCE. This is a historical fact. There were 3 prior edicts, but those were given commanding them to go back and rebuild the Temple. The fourth edict was that they go and rebuild JERUSALEM as the prophecy in Daniel 9 specifies.

So from 445 BCE there would be a time-span of 483 years (69 x 7).
We reckon 69 x 7 years, x 360 days, because in the Bible, prophecies are given in 360-day years. So it’s saying that from the issuing of that command, would be a time span of 173,880 days.

If you count 173,880 actual calendar days from March 14, 445 BCE using the worlds's calendar, here’s the math. We’re using 365-day years to get to the actual secular calendar date:

March 14, 445 BCE to March 14, 32 AD... = 173,740
(476 x 365) no year "0"
March 14 to April 6, inclusive . . . . . . . . . . . + 24
Added leap year days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +116
(119-3, adjusted for actual leap years) ................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    . . .. . . . . . . 173,880

What happened on that date, April 6, 32 AD?

We know historically that Jesus began his ministry in the autumn of the 15th year of Tiberius. (Luke 3:1) Tiberius was appointed August 19, 14 AD. His 15th year would be in the year reaching 29, so during the year 28 Jesus began his ministry. We know that Jesus ministered for 3-1/2 years and died on Passover, 32 AD.

So the day he presented himself to Jerusalem was on Palm Sunday, April 6, 32 AD. Nisan 10
Zechariah 9:9

Some Will Be Left Behind

Gog and Magog

by Amir Tsarfati

The 7 Plagues in The Tribulation

by Robert Breaker

The Marks of The Spirit of Antichrist

by Derek Prince

Statement of Faith

The Bible is composed of 66 books penned by 40 authors over thousands of years, and was given to mankind through the agency of the prophets and the apostles, all confirming each other. It is an integrated whole which bears evidence of supernatural engineering in every detail of life and creation.

The Scriptures reveal to us that there is one God, eternally existent, the creator of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

The Scriptures reveal to us that mankind was originally created in the image of God, but fell through rebellion. That historic fall brought all mankind into the state of being “fallen.” The Scriptures clearly show that mankind is not born with “a clean slate,” nor with a predilection to goodness, but is born in fallenness, and thus every human being is needs to be “born again,” through faith in the atonement God has provided, which was accomplished for us in Jesus Christ. Anyone rejecting the atonement made in Jesus Christ will, at death, take his place in a literal hell, a place of anguish and eternal separation from God and all that is good.

The Scriptures reveal to us that Jesus Christ is the only-begotten Son of God, God himself, who became flesh and was born of Mary, who was a virgin at his birth, in Bethlehem, Israel. Jesus came in order to become the perfect and sinless atonement for the sins of fallen mankind. The atonement was accomplished in his crucifixion and death for us, the righteous for the unrighteous, and in his resurrection from the dead. His atonement satisfied divine justice and accomplished salvation for all who trust in him ALONE.

On the third day after his death, Jesus Christ arose from the dead having conquered death, hell, and the grave, and was seen by upwards of 500 persons.

Forty days later He ascended to heaven, and took his rightful place at the right hand of the Father, and became the only mediator between God and man.

The Lord Jesus, before returning to heaven, promised to send the Holy Spirit for us, the divine Spirit of God himself, to walk with the believer, to indwell the believer, convicting of sin, drawing sinners to Christ, imparting new life to them upon conversion, enabling the believer to overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil, and bringing to mind all that the Scriptures have said. The Spirit of God enables the believer to perform all works which God has prepared for that individual believer before the foundation of the earth.

The Scriptures have foretold that the last seven years of this age will be a time of great sorrow, a time when the wrath of God will be poured out on the Christ-rejecting world. That time period is known as the "Tribulation." The Scriptures have also foretold that before that time begins, Jesus Christ will take all who are his from the earth, to spend that time with him in heaven, sparing them the wrath of God.

The Scriptures have also told us that the seven-year period will be a time when God is dealing with Israel, preparing her to receive her Messiah, who is the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord Jesus Christ will return to this earth to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy. His enemies will be destroyed, Satan will be bound, and the Lord Jesus will establish his physical Kingdom on the earth, ruling and reigning upon the Throne of David in Jerusalem. He will restore all things and His Kingdom shall have no end.

The Kingdom Of God And The Rapture

by Charles Lawson

Exposing The Enemy Series

by Jimmy Evans

Part 1: Exposing Lucifer

Part 2: Exposing Satan

Part 3: Exposing The Devil

Part 4: Exposing The Antichrist

Exposing The Antichrist

Exposing The Antichrist

by Jimmy Evans

Exposing Satan

Exposing Satan

by Jimmy Evans

Exposing The Devil

Exposing The Devil

by Jimmy Evans

Exposing Lucifer

Exposing The Enemy, Part -
by Jimmy Evans

How Close Are We To The False Global Religion?

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Sir Nicholas Winton

The word "hero" is reserved for people like this. He is the British version of Oskar Schindler. WHAT a testimony!

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