In a day and age when everything is based on scientific knowledge it's hard to expect people to believe something as "preposterous" as a moment in time when the entire population of believers in Jesus Christ are going to be plucked from the earth and taken to heaven. Chuck Missler said the teaching of the Rapture is absolutely "preposterous; ...but absolutely true." It's something we've never experienced, it's something supernatural, and it just sounds incredible. But it's true.

The word "Rapture" comes from the Latin translation 1 Thessalonians 4:17. In Latin it's raptus. In the Greek it's "harpazo." The word is strong's G726, translated "to seize, carry off by force, to snatch away." The Scripture tells us it will happen suddenly, "in the twinkling of an eye."

There is a precedent for something like this, something almost too hard to believe. It was in the day of Noah. God told him that the world had become so wicked that he was going to destroy it, and he told Noah to build an ark to preserve his family and some of every kind of animal.

The Scriptures tell us that Noah was "a preacher of righteousness." While building the ark, he was also preaching to the people, warning them. Here's a vignette of how it went as he preached:

“What is that crazy guy doing over there, building something huge?”

“He says he’s building a boat to save people from a flood.”

“A flood??? Here??? It doesn’t even rain here.”

“Well he says it’s going to rain and everyone’s going to die in the flood.”

“He’s been saying that for years. How long is he going to keep this up?”

“He just keeps building and warning people, year after year after year.”

“Has anyone reported him to the mental-health authorities?”

“No, people think he’s harmless, just deluded.”

They scoffed.

...and they died.

Friends, there is another terrible time coming upon the earth. Jesus said that that last seven-year period is going to be worse than anything the world has ever experienced, or ever will after it.

"For then there will be great tribulation,
such as has not been since the beginning of the world
until this time, no, nor ever shall be."
Matthew 24:21

You can read the description of those seven years in the Book of Revelation, chapter 6 through chapter 11.

Jesus said the days preceding it will be "as in the days of Noah." And those are the conditions we're witnessing now. Never would we have believed society would descend into evil and debauchery such as we're witnessing now. It's appalling. Some say society is now worse than it was in the days of Noah. Jesus also likened those days to the days of Lot, in Sodom. Few would argue that the people of Sodom were more debased than society is today. There is no violence, no perversion, that society has been spared from.

Before those last seven years begin, the Rapture is promised to all who belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. Is it hard to imagine a moment in which millions are suddenly snatched from the earth? it is. Just as hard as it was when Noah preached to the people of his day that a flood was coming and they all were going to die. They thought he was crazy. And they died.

Don't shrug this off as something crazy. It only seems that way because it's something we've never seen before. But it's real because God has told us about it. Get into the ark before it's too late. The time is almost upon us.

Explaining Apostasia

by Dr. Andy Woods

The following is Dr. Woods' earlier teaching on "Apostasia."

The same teaching - by Patrick Heron

When Does Israel Reach 80 Years?

Pastor JD's message yesterday really started something with me. I've been in discussion about this all last evening and all day today. Came to some startling (to me) conclusions:

Israel's 80 years:

Scripture says a generation is 70 years, or with strength it can be up to 80.
Jesus said the generation that sees the last-days events will not end until ALL has been fulfilled.

Israel is 72 years old.
If Israel is going to make it to 80 years:

First you have to subtract 7 years for the Tribulation
so subtracting 7 years from 80 comes out to age 73.
When will Israel turn 73?
May 14, 2021

Restating: for all to be fulfilled for Israel before she turns 80, her last 7 years would have to start by the time she turns 73.

That's May 14, 2021. Next spring.

We know that the Rapture has to take place BEFORE the last 7 years, the 7 years called The Tribulation.

That would eliminate a next-year Pentecost Rapture because next Pentecost takes place AFTER Israel turns 73 and begins her last 7 years.

The last Feast of Trumpets before Israel turns 73 is THIS Feast of Trumpets, September 18, 2020.

If the Rapture is going to happen on the last Feast of Trumpets before Israel begins her last 7 years, it would have to be on this one. September 18, 2020.