UN Gathering Of 70 Nations-Jan 15 2017


Mark this day in your calendar to look back to as events later unfold.

January 15, 2017

Today, there is a UN gathering of nations in France, to come against Israel and to elevate the Palestinians' claims against Israel. Some fear there will be a declaration of the "Palestinian State."

FYI: This new "nation" intends to be established WITHIN the borders of Israel. Can you imagine the hubris of Satan, daring to challenge God by creating an enemy nation WITHIN Israel's borders?

In the Bible, God established 70 as the number of nations representing the world.

Guess how many nations are gathered in Paris today.

The Bible predicts that the whole world will come against Israel. This is the beginning of the fulfillment of that prophecy.

This is truly a historic day in world history, and in the lead-up to the beginning of the "Tribulation" which many believe will begin this year in the fall.

Pay attention, folks!

The Prophecy Code

Jesus rebuked the Jews for not knowing the time of their visitation. 

If he expected them to recognize the time, might he expect us to know the time of our visitation? 

The Bible contains patterns we can examine to see if they are repeated in our time. The expectation that the Jews should recognize the time of their visitation based on a prophecy in the Book of Daniel which clearly predicted the exact date that the Messiah would be presented to Israel as King.

Let's take a look at that prophecy and see if we can perhaps show that the pattern presented in Daniel might very well be applicable to our day.